Back in the Saddle
As I type this post, I’m currently riding in the car while my wife drives us through the flat land of Iowa. It has been a whirlwind of a fortnight. That makes me sound cooler than I am. It’s been a crazy 2 weeks. We have been busy basically nonstop and are now starting the long drive West to Oakland, California, where I start my next placement in the middle of next week. Due to this, I’ve been a little bit MIA. Let me give a quick recap.
From August 2nd to August 7th, my wife and I were in Indianapolis for Gencon. Gencon is the biggest board gaming convention in the United States, and I think I saw that the attendance was around 65,000 people this year. We were volunteering with our friend’s company, Underbite Games, helping demo and present their new digital project, Super Dungeon Tactics. I’ll do a complete post on that game in the future, when it goes live. Not-actually-a-spoiler-alert, but it’s awesome. While at Gencon I was able to connect with some great friends, play some awesome games, and meet some really cool people. I’ve got lots of new and interesting ideas for all new types of content that I’m really excited to share with you all, and that couldn’t have happened without the opportunity to go to Gencon.
We got back from Gencon and spent 2 days washing our clothes and repacking the car before we left for Northern Michigan where we camped from the 10th of August to the 14th. My wife’s father’s side of the family does a large reunion/campout once a year in early August. As they describe it, it’s a weekend of Polacks in the woods. It a fun weekend of camping, relaxing, and getting to catch up with family that is typically only seen once a year.
Both of these events were awesome, but we finished camping on the 14th, went to my parent’s house for a day, and then had 1 day to pack all of our belongings and hit the road.
Like I said. Crazy.
Now that we’re on our way to a little more normalcy, I can get back to things with a little more regularity. I’ll get back on the “1 new blog and 1 new review” per week schedule. I’ll also be spending some time trying to continue to work on the actual format of the website, so expect a few changes, but nothing drastic.
I’ve also got some other small projects coming down the pipeline and things are really getting exciting behind the scenes of the Great Lakes Gamer. I’m excited to continue to grow and develop these projects and share them all with you along the way. Thanks for reading and as always, feel free to comment and let me know what you think!!
P.S. Some awesome friends of ours created this pic to show our route that we are taking to the Bay Area from Grand Rapids!!! It’s not quite exact but it’s as close as you can get, and we loved it!!