Exciting News!!!
Hey Everyone! It’s been much too long since the last update here at the GLG website! These last few months have been very busy. The last time I posted was back in February and I had just started a rundown of the 2016 games. Unfortunately, that went a bit off the rails as life got crazy. We were living in Los Angeles at the time and I really didn’t like my job placement out there. We were really busy and unfortunately the blog was one of the things that needed to take a time cut for me. Since the last post, I accepted a job back in Santa Fe, New Mexico, went back to Michigan, took a trip to Walt Disney World, went BACK to Michigan and then moved out to Santa Fe. It has been another hectic couple months. Fortunately, things have slowed down at least a little bit at this point and I’m ready to get back to the grindstone.
Additionally, during the last few months I realized that running a website has been a little more time consuming and a little more challenging than I initially thought it would be. Making sure that there’s a constant stream of content, as well as staying engaged with everyone, has been tough. However, that has also spawned some new and exciting news! Great Lakes Gamer is going through some changes and I wanted to fill everyone in on what’s been going on!
I originally started this website as a solo project. That has now officially changed! After working on some logistical things, I’ve brought in a great friend of mine named Cade to team up with me. We are going to be partnering up on everything from here on out including blog posts, reviews and some other projects that we have coming down the pipeline. Each time a review is posted by one of us, if the other has played the game, we’ll be chiming in with a rating and a quick reflection to provide a couple different opinions on each game, for example. We’ve also got some other friends and gaming fanatics who we’ve talked to about possibly doing some guest posts and reviews as well. We’ve been brainstorming a lot of ideas about additions and changes we can make to keep things new and fresh.
For now, the website is going to stay the same. Same name, same logo, just run by 2 guys instead of one. Think of it as the Great Lakes Gamer website, as opposed to just one person taking “Great Lakes Gamer” as a moniker. That’s how it started, but that’s not where I want this to go. I’ve talked a lot in the past about board games being a way to interact and spend time with your friends. I want this website to reflect that. Board games have been a way to bring people around a table to share experiences with one another, and this space is no different for me. Board games bring me joy from the shared experiences. This site, centered around board games, is now a place that I get to share with a great friend.
I’m really looking forward to getting the wheels back turning and getting things up and running again, but this time, with some help. Thanks for the patience and we look forward to great things!
One thought on “Exciting News!!!”
Count me in as a potential contributor!